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It will be at least a few days before you’ll see new content from me posted on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

It’s been brought to my attention that I have an issue with my exclusive content being distributed publicly without my permission.

This is not something I can allow since it’s my livelihood. I work really hard on the audios I produce so that I can share them with those of you who support me.

Unfortunately, I will need to make some changes to the way I post content to fix this situation and avoid it in future.

However, I’d like to get some feedback from you (my subscribers) on the changes I’m working on. So, if some of you can find time to spend a few minutes with me live on Discord today Monday September 11th at 4:30pm and 9pm EDT to give me your feedback, I’d really appreciate it.

After that I will make a final decision on the changes and announce the steps I’ll be taking to secure my content going forward so I can continue creating, sharing and posting my audios with you here.

I’m so sorry about all of this but thanks so much for your support and understanding.





Sorry...hope it all gets figured out


I'm sorry to hear that....were they not happy with the free content on literotica?


Dear Lacey, your audio stories are the best and obviously take lots of effort and care to make. You must feel bad not being properly remunerated or credited by lazy thieves. I'm willing to jump through any security hoops you feel necessary to continue to support your work. I don't need downloads rather just access this page. Your supporters will stand by you I reckon. 😊💪🏾👍🏾🙏🏾