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⛱ TODAY!!! 👙

Event 1 - Live Chat - Topic is: Porn - We'll not only discuss all things porn this month,  but also any other thoughts, questions, and ideas you might want to share. I can't wait!

  • Thursday July 20th - 4-5pm EDT and  9-10pm EDT
  • In the General Voice Chat Channel.

Event 2 - Live Audio Recording - The Friendly Skies -Special Edition  - I've never recorded a series audio story live before but I'm excited for this event. It'll have a bit of JOI thrown in too, so you won't want to miss it. I'll save the best recording from the two sessions to share with subscribers.

  • Friday July 28th - 4-4:30pm EDT and  9:30-10pm EDT
  • In the General Voice Chat Channel.


  • I'll be available a few minutes before each session for anyone who wants a quick lesson in Discord or may need help making sure they're set up correctly to participate.
  • You don't need to stay for the whole session, so feel free to pop in for as much or as little as you like.
  • If you can't talk live, you can still listen & participate in the text only channel
  • You need to have either: the 18+ or  Patreon / SubscribeStar roles on your Discord profile to join in live events. You can click on your avatar in Discord to verify your roles.
  • I will record (my voice portion only) of these sessions and share them in the Dropbox if they're worthy of a listen.

Feel free to message me if you have any questions about these sessions or Discord.

See you there!

~Lacey 😊