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Just a reminder that new Dropbox links went out last month so check your Patreon messages!

THANK YOU for supporting me!!!

~Lacey 💋🤗💜



Romulan Alemaster

Oh no! Please don't let anything happen to that wonderfully perfect ass! 😜 And it can be really easy to translate "Oh Fuck! My Ass!" Into "Oh! Fuck My Ass!!" I imagine in the right place you would have a line of volunteers waiting by the time you got the car door closed!! If your couch cushion is removable, you can get a flat insert to go under it to diffuse the hard spot. We had a rogue couch when I was growing up. Our mom went to the hardware store and had a piece of half inch plywood cut to go from the end to end under the cushions. It was like having a brand new couch 😂😂😂


LOL... good news is my ass is on the mend!!!! Not so sure about the couch!! I've been avoiding the hard spot (I know... so unlike me LMAO 😂🤣) Thanks for the advice RA!.