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This has been a long time cumming!!

I'm finally going to find out how the Dollar Store Womanizer-ish knock-off toy stacks-up against the real Womanizer. 

Of course this audio gets a little crazy as always, but enjoy!! 

NOTE: These audios are posted for a very limited time here, and then moved to the DropBox so....if the audio link above no longer works you can find this audio in the Toy Review folder in the DropBox.**

Below is a picture that I found of the exact same product I was "testing". If you look closely you can see the top right head has like a silver rim, that's the one I said I wouldn't try anywhere. LOL 🤣 You'll hear why in the audio. 




It is always enjoyable to just listen to your voice sometimes. I can listen to your voice for hours on end (as I so often do 😊). I loved it when you went from what seemed like a whisper all the way to loud! Made my body jolt! Thank you for that, Goddess Lacey! And thank you for sharing your heavenly voice with the world!


It's always good to keep one hand on your.... um... volume button, gathra.😝 You never really know when I'll get loud! LOL 🤣 And thank you!!

Romulan Alemaster

This fantasy is one of my favorites! I'm glad you had the real Womanizer on standby for comparison, we would never want anything to happen to that marvelously naughty clit of yours! We also wouldn't want you to miss out on a chance for multiple orgasms! Loved it! 🔥🔥🔥🥵🔥🔥🔥


Such a deliciously slutty redemption for Lacy after the disappointment of the cheap "toy." Here's hoping the real womanizer is fine. I'd LOVE to hear some of those "failed" audios where your clit takes over. Could be a fun naughty blooper reel.


I haven't tested it out yet since, but fingers crossed it survived. I did order more new toys though 😮😝👍 And I'll keep the blooper reel in mind!


That's as real as it gets!! Thank you, Skip! 😊