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As promised in my October update, here's an explanation of how a few of the higher Patreon tiers work,  as well as a sample Watch With Me Audio and Video. 

Here's the Link for the WWM Sneak Peek. (Remember to mute the clip and wait for me to count you down in the audio.) If this link is expired you can find it in the "Patreon Tiers Explained Folder" in the Dropbox. 

For those of you already subscribed to the WWM Tier and above this clip and audio have been added to your DB folder too. 

Hope this helps. 

~Lacey :) 

🎉🎉 We hit 100 Watch With Me Clips!! Damn, that's a lot of PORN!! 😂🤗🎉




Are the links no longer available?


They are Howdyy, depending on where you open them you might have to right click on the link to open it first. But be sure to let me know if you still have issues


Excellent! Thank you!