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I've heard... "Damn, Lacey you could read the phone book and make it sound sexy." 

But it wasn't until last week that someone said, "Fuck, you could read a recipe for Cornbread and make it sound sexy." 

I'll admit I had a good laugh at the originality of that one.  So I couldn't resist trying to make a cornbread recipe sound hot, which I actually think I might have managed to achieve. 

But I'll let you be the judges of that. 😊




Winner!! The innuendos, snarky comments and sexual thoughts are awesome!!! Might have to be part 2 to this story idea 😈😈


I have never been so turned on by cornbread in my life


Well I don't know what goes with cornbread other than chili, and as sexy as spice meat can be... I'm not sure beans make the cut ... LOL ;) Still I'm all for a part 2 just need new recipe idea


I already love cornbread! But I'll never be able to eat it again without thinking of your sexy version of making it. AWESOME!!!🔥👍😎


objective most certainly achieved ma'am!!