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3 Priestesses and 3 Nuns from the Church of Cock Give You a Trial by Cock Worship


This was a huge ongoing collab project that I was invited to be a part of. It's a far fetched tale of Priestess and Nuns worshiping the Great Cock in a trial of a fictitious religious order. 

6 Women and one HUGE cock!  

This is definitely something different. It's always fun to be a part of these projects and I thought you'd enjoy listening. 

Some things to note: 

1. All parts were recorded separately by performers. 

2. A few voices are a bit hard to hear especially at the beginning, but  you can read along with the original script HERE 

3. I was not the editor on this project but as you can imagine it was a HUGE undertaking and it was a job well done over all. 

4. I play Sister Nikki - if you couldn't figure it out ;)

5.  It's a long recording - 44mins. 


We have called you all here today for a matter of great importance… the man you see before you has been accused of many crimes against our church and must therefore be tried…


The Witnesses and Jurors are:

MIA- u/Jayewilde

RILEY- mysterious southern girl

NIKKI- u/lushinlace

AMBER- u/yknikyhslrig

TRINA- u/fieldsoflupine

SAVANNAH- u/blissfullyquiet


Before we continue with the proceedings, I need to extend my ample, ample gratitude to all involved. The discovery process, was in the works for quite a long time. The trial date kept getting set back, the true heretic was scaring away our key witnesses and even, the stenographer! Blasphemous heathen. In an effort to see it come together, all of these esteemed worshippers were generous enough to work with me. Including Sister Nikki, who came in at a crucial moment, gave an impassioned as well as compelling testimony and I thank her so very much for joining us on short notice. 

The recording and evidence still needed to be complied and u/kilbeggan32 answered the call. Not only were we able to find resolution but, somehow, he got it to sound as if _ you_ are there. I tell you, if by some cruel fate someone had to piece each part of this together, basically from scratch, I would commend him as well as her sending the deepest of my gratitude for justice! Incredible quality.  

The trial was transcribed by the former user sir_grindmore. 




OMG, don't you wish we had a magic box we could feed this through that would clean up the background variations and the uneven overdubbing. as it is, this is a wonderful tale that will get listened to a lot. well done by all!


I do!!!! I found it hard to listen too at times, but I know those involved did their very best technically, which is why I still figured I’d share it. Now I’m even more glad I did. 😀 thnx