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The render of the new Pharmercy animation has officially started!

Yesterday evening was pretty much fixing any issues with the animation/time/frame rate etc. and for past few hours I've been trying to get the hair dynamics looking good. And I'm happy to say that the animations is finally ready to launch! It's been full days of work and even made a strap on rig with the help of it's-gregless and pewposterous and might just release it to smutbase, but the thing is you have to have at least some knowledge of blender and to use it as it's not just another rig that you download and it's ready to go as it's a rig that you attach to another rig. For it to work properly you need to parent it under the specific hip bone to align the rotation then adjust it according to the character's proportion. So we'll see how that goes :)



Nice! Hopefully we see more strap on action in the future...