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As you may or may not have seen but Tumblr is blocking porn from the site. So i'm moving to Twitter as it looks to be the best alternative for lewds.
Go follow me there and get a little inside look into animation I'm working on right now.
My Handle: @ForceballFx



Isn't pixiv not a better option? I mean pixiv is run by the Japanese and I guess if somebody would not ban adult stuff that's most likely the Japanese sites, cause actually they have a kind of history/culture concerning everyday porn Art (Hentai and stuff)..... Sucks that Tumblr went totally left-lib SJW..... I hope tumblr will go bankrupt - those leftist c0cksuckers.... :S


I didn't really know about pixiv till today tbh, I'll definitely think about it tho, sounds promising. But if I decide to use it, it will be on top of twitter and reddit, as those are more used. But I do understand why that would be a more reasonable option as the more popular sites like twitter and reddit are much more likley to join tumblr than pixiv is. Thanks for the recommendation!


The Twitter link does not redirect


Yeah, forgot to update it here, when I changed it from Forceball10 to ForceballFx. Should work now.