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Hey everyone! So I've been suspended from patreon temporarily and I'm back finnaly! So a few things will change, first of I'll start by saying that the charge upfront is now enabled for my Patreon and you will be charged in the beginning of the month rather than on the end starting next month. So if you now want your own image from me you can get it without waiting the whole month. Meanwhile I was suspended I learned quite a few things in blender which I should be able to display some time soon, and it's really exiting as it opens so many doors to new quality of content. I can't wait to show you!

So starting next month I'm stepping up my game! Hope you're as exited as I am :D




What were you suspended for??


Posted my content publicly and didn't know it would actually post public as I've tagged my account explicit. Basically I f****'d up.. But that's in the past now :)