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Yes! Another sale! I like to do one in December and then another in January since I realized a few years ago people often buy for themselves in January rather than December, and I think my work tends to be stuff people buy for themselves and not as gifts, LOL.

I'm back to work today and phew, my body is fighting me! It's unrelated but still very funny that the day I go back to work is also when I'm dealing with some of this stuff. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a bit smoother. Hope y'all had at LEAST decent holidays! See you around!

(Stock photo used as background by Jess Bailey on Unsplash)



Blue Jello

Do you have any plans to release a version of the Solanaceae series as a larger book one day? Like chapter 1-7 in one big omnibus?

Lily Chambers

Awesome use for some of my birthday money that's coming my way soon!


I don't think that I could ever do one big book of every chapter (because that's a lot of pages and I'm not sure I could get the funding or proper binding) but I'll probably do about 3 big books or so, depending. We've still got at LEAST 5 chapters before it's all wrapped up though so this won't be something you'll be seeing for a while and will require a lot to get set up 💦 It's something I'll def need a lot of support and pre-orders for if it's gonna happen!