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Hey everyone!

So, in case you didn't know, Patreon doesn't give us (creators) a way to remove declined Patrons without blocking them. It's not great!

I don't block anyone on Patreon unless they have genuinely stolen content or have been an ass. But, I did have to go through my declined list today to clear it out because well, otherwise the list can get very long and difficult to work with.

Patreon offers some tools to help me organize this list, but people who have been declined for YEARS can remain on the list until they remove themselves, which just makes the back end more confusing when I'm navigating stuff. So, I wanted to clear out anyone who hadn't paid in over 4 months from the list.

As I was doing this, somehow I removed at least one active Patron? This was an accident and I'm still not sure how it happened! Thankfully, the person contacted me and we sorted it out, but now I wanted to make this post just in case I fucked up elsewhere too. 

If Patreon says I blocked you, but you had an active pledge for December, I probably didn't! So, contact me or double check that your payment actually went through.

Check your private messages here on Patreon or your e-mail for info. Thanks for your patience everyone!


Mox Artz

That’s wack as hell


Ho damn, seems a brain pain : S Thank you for posting this alert and good luck