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Heyo! This is a reminder to double check or update your payment method before the month rolls over to avoid problems with declined payments and fraud stuff. Patreon made a BIG fuck-up earlier this month and us creators still have no idea what they did to fix this or how our upcoming paycheck is gonna look. It's a mess!

So, this is my reminder to you to double check this stuff if you haven't already. If you already updated your payment or better yet, called your bank, then I think you'll be okay? But, I truly have no idea.

I'll post again what Patreon says about these issues:

"If a patron reaches out to you about a decline, you can advise them to follow these steps:

  1. Contact their card issuer to confirm the charge is valid and retry that card
  2. If the retry does not work, try a different payment method. Patrons can edit their payments in their Settings, under Billing History."

There's also a longer article about this problem here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913799-Retry-my-declining-payment 

Anyways, gonna send out one last message to declined/fraud Patrons in hopes the issue gets fixed, but I know some folks just never check their DMs here, so that's why I'm making this post too.

Thanks everyone! Hope you're hanging in there!


Macayla Bell

Thanks for the reminder! ❤️

Allan Meyer

Best of luck. I have to say I resent that Patreon seems OK for my single pledges throughout the month but the first of month group of multiple pledges triggers the bank for fraud alerts. They didn’t have this problem for 8 or 9 years, so someone had better get their head out of their behind.