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Since I asked this for Mini-Dom and got a bunch of useful questions (that thread is still open btw) I figured, hey, why not do the same for Cavemate since I am also planning it's full (eventual) book?

Anyways, question is to folks who like Cavemate: what kind of situations/interactions/lore would you like to see more of in the series?  

I've got 4 loose chapters planned out but I wanna add a little bit of character building between the chapters for when the final book is complete. Like, I wanna make little illustrations, info graphics, or (mostly) 4komas to fill in the gaps and make the story feel more "complete" while keeping the chapter count doable for myself.

I've got some ideas of my own but I often find that y'all bring up stuff I don't even consider putting in so, it's nice to get this kind of feedback now and again.

Let me know your thoughts, thanks!



Oh one more thing if I can. What are Telen and Buck's favorite things to do?

Mia Fitzpatrick-Mackay

Telen mentioned before that he was intimate with other Spiders will we ever see any ex's or friends?


Not sure yet! I don't tend to have that much fun expanding casts and I'm not really sure what role these spiders would take in the story: but I do know we'll be meeting at least ONE other spider, and it will probably be a big scary female 💖