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This page is exactly the reason why I'm gonna be careful posting this chapter publicly LOL I love Satine because they are truly a good person, but of course, they struggle with thoughts and feelings like anyone does! And because of the unique position they are in, how they deal with that stuff is just real complex. It's interesting to portray.

Thanks for your support everyone!




This page breaks my heart for Satine. They clearly yearn so deeply for praise and affection, but not out of entitlement. Instead, there's an impression there of feeling inadequate or incomplete without certain kinds of validation. When it comes to Covenmates' it's more or a raw pleasure to give and be praised. But Battam's love... there's a huge hole gaping in Satine's soul where that love ought to be. And when combined with such an intense crush, clearly surpassing most of Satine's typical attractions, that becomes such a volatile mixture. And it's tangible to me that Satine would never easily direct that outward. Instead it will eat into THEM like acid, and they'll sit there with the pain and keep holding on regardless. Holding that red hot anger and hurt clasped tightly in their hands and hiding it behind their back to keep up that smile. And I crey every tiem


AND ANOTHER THING this sequence also shakes one of the last foundations of Satine's bond with Battam, namely that Satine still felt like they at least KNEW their brother well and provided for him! Like, Satine could at least be like "we may not be physically close but he's still near and dear to me, I know him, that's a kind of intimacy" and then THEY ARE PROVEN THIS WRONG ABOUT IT AND ARE NO LONGER THE CLOSEST PERSON TO BATTAM IN THE AREA AND I AM CRYING

Faith Simmons

This page is AWESOME though! Like, I’m sorry but people who expect to see fake characters that are completely perfect in every way are just not for this kind of comic. This is so REAL and they’re all multi-dimensional and complex and I love this comic because in a lot of ways it’s relatable. So it’s honestly disappointing knowing that there’s so much hate towards Satine.


YES it disappoints me too even though I understand how folks got to there (Satine is doing a lot of odd things, and our main characters don't like Satine atm and people usually side with the main characters) but it's like WOW Battam and Sal are no angels themselves and it's tough that folks are looking at it such a black and white way BUT I've found that all of my awesome patrons (like you) tend to really understand the nuance and for that I am forever grateful