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And, here we are. When I post this chapter publicly, I'll have to post all the pages all at once and turn off comments lmao

After the transphobic and just generally uh, bad faith comments I got on the original Satine chapter, I won't be dealing with that again-- but y'all here always have the most thoughtful comments and seem to understand the nuances with Satine-- so hey! THANK YOU!



Crafty Geeks

Satine on this page is me .... 👀 Sal

Faith Simmons

I LOVE Satine. And even if these people see Satine as the “villain” that DOESNT give them the right to be transphobic. Satine being trans wouldn’t be what made them a “villain” anyways so why would that be the thing people focus on? Also, and I’m so sorry if this is wrong bc I have only been reading the comic and haven’t played the game, but I feel like I remember seeing something about Battam coming out as trans too in the future? And if that’s the case, WHY are these people reading the comic to begin with if the MC is ALSO something they’re unaccepting towards? Like make it make sense. This is one of the most interesting, fun, and well balanced comics I’ve ever read. I’m sorry that some of the commenters have made you feel uncomfortable enough to the point you feel like you can’t even allow comments on the chapter. You don’t deserve that, your characters don’t deserve that, and the real life people who have to go through transitioning don’t deserve to have to see shit like that either. 💜


Yes, Battam has some more genderfluid-y feelings about himself than it first seems (I would call him a demiboy, like mostly guy and some non-binary, and he explains as such in the upcoming game when that finally comes out) but his experience with his gender is a lot less involved than Satine's is and he doesn't transition in any way. (That's just how it goes for some folks, different strokes for different yolks y'know) But yeah, most people do not know that and honestly I just think a lot of folks out there have a lot of internalized transphobia and do not understand what is and isn't transphobic to think or say-- it's complicated but it doesn't make it easier for me to see X'D But hey, thank you for your kind words and I do have hope that Satine haters will come around and will start to learn some things as time goes on. I'm gonna keep working hard with the comic and with Satine so like... here's hoping!