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(If you're pledged $5 or more!)

September was a roller coaster for a lot of different reasons, and the beginning of October was... emotional, to say the least. (Funeral went well, there's just a lot to unpack. Thanks for letting me having some privacy about it.) I'm not sure how my production scheduale will look for this month, but I'm gonna work hard to at least make some holiday themed pics, since I think all of us like those quite a lot. Hopefully by November, I'll be back to my usual output. We'll see. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself.

Here's noteworthy stuff:

  • Solanaceae After All: Early Access is now available on Itchio and Steam! If you didn't check it out when it was on Patreon, now is a great time to check it out and maybe leave a comment or review. It helps us a lot! Even just a wishlist on Steam is huge, thanks!
  • I finished the big Q+A *and* the Chapter 5 Q+A! The big one is available here, and the Chapter 5 one is available via the Secret Club website that you can access with the url + password I have DM'd you if you're at a $5 pledge or more.
  • Poll for the Halloween pic this year is up!
  • Chapter 6 of Solanaceae wrapped up on the Secret Club website! (Check your DMs for password) Chapter 6.5 will start soon, hoping to have book pre-orders for that done by the end of the year.
  • Put up lots of different merch ideas/sketches in September! Still dreaming of those... who knows when I'll have the cash to make 'em though!
  • In general, this month had a lot more work put up than I originally thought. Despite it all... I still drew!

If you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!

Thanks everyone!




Always so happy and excited to see any work you produce ✨ Hope you're taking care of yourself as much as possible.