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Hey ya'll! I just finished uploading 2 PDFs of the My Master is a Naga comic I made for the Purity Anthology!

It's got the original black and white version (which is exclusive to the anthology and to all of you) and the new colored version-- which will be going up at a later date. (And much slower!)

You can download the PDFs at the bottom of this post.

Thanks again everyone, and enjoy!




Hello, sorry but the link doesn't seem to work for me TT^TT. Am I just not doing something right?


Hmm, the link works for me? What exactly is the issue? Can you just not click it or does nothing pop-up? I'll send you a message directly with the link again and see if that works instead? So sorry!


Sorry for the lateness, yeah I can click on it and it opens a new window but then nothing happens (just a blank window)


One last thing before I just send you the files directly-- have you tried right clicking and choosing "save link as"? This usually just pops up with the file, which is a .rar file and should let you save it from the window that pops up!


It says "Failed - Needs authorisation"