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Back from break! Really excited to get back to work, but gotta be honest, my back and butt are uh, still not feeling too great. I suspect 2022 might continue the trend of "wow, sitting down is really bad for you" for me-- despite me standing at my desk right now and doing my stretches. Would not be surprised if I gotta go back to PT again, though I'm trying to lie low through January since COVID cases in the USA right now are INSANE.

In good news, my new scheduale is looking PRIME for me to make stuff, and I'm really excited about some upcoming stuff. It might still take a while for that stuff to come out but... I think the wait will be worth it!

Here's stuff that updated on the website:

  • Gonna try to do some Sola pages today if times allows-- I've got a LOT of paperwork to get done today, all of it is really important so I can't skip out on it (It's still like taxes, translations, and updating the site, etc)
  • Found some old furry art from myself and posted that! Not sure how like, excited everyone was to see some of my old *rare* art, but for me, it was really fun to look back on that and try to make the archive even more *complete*, hehe. It just feels good to have so much of my stuff in one place!
  • Planned out all the timing and art for Gummy and The Doctor Episode 2 last night! This means the audio of which is going to go public very soon-- I'll be posting it here / on the site for folks to enjoy, for sure!
  • Made a shit ton of plans for stuff over the break... maybe I'll make a post about it? We'll see! It's fun to make planning posts, but also a bit rough to see what does and doesn't happen in a year when I look back 🤭 That's life though!

If you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!

Thanks everyone!




Maybe you need to get one of those massage beds with a hole for your face so you can just lay on your belly while working!


LOL!! not a bad idea haha, but I think lying down is also not always that great for your back, esp when you're on your stomach??


Backs are thankless butts and so are butts ono

PaganPrince (edited)

Comment edits

2022-06-07 18:55:36 Make sure that you're giving yourself adequate rest and looking after yourself! I know personally I'd prefer you to look after your health over giving us comic updates <3
2022-01-07 08:09:37 Make sure that you're giving yourself adequate rest and looking after yourself! I know personally I'd prefer you to look after your health over giving us comic updates <3

Make sure that you're giving yourself adequate rest and looking after yourself! I know personally I'd prefer you to look after your health over giving us comic updates <3


;o; b'aw, thank you! unfortunately, that is not how the world of capitalism works and i /always/ see a dip in patrons even when i take time off for being sick, so i gotta do my best to stay on the up and up (plus, it's not like i dislike getting comic pages done every week-- the mind is happy, the body is simply reaching 30 LOL)