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Hey hey, it's that fun time of month again where like 10+ people get declined because my page is NSFW and I gotta send a bunch of people messages SO, please check out your inbox or see if you have anything in your e-mail is you suspect this is you and see if you have something from me or Patreon itself :3c

Thanks for your support everyone! Not much to say today, I have way too many errands so I'm just gonna try to be quick!




Hmmm idk, for me it’s probably a case of not having read properly myself. The only thing I can think of that may help, is maybe also put it in the message below the comic update here ☺️


Omgosh I also didnt notice the secret club was ahead. Let me go over thatta way! Love this spicy chapter! 😌🚪🏃🏿‍♀️


Er, I did put that there is a club on the post that's specifically about the Secret Club though? I guess I can put them here too, but I don't wanna annoy folks too much :Sc Maybe I'll just do it once a month or something? But then, what if folks don't notice then, AUGH


oh my gosh, how do i make it more noticeable that it's an actual site! I sent you all personal messages X'D