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Hey everyone!

So, I'm able to see some vaccinated (and tested) friends this week and ended up booking myself kinda solid before realizing, OH RIGHT, WORK, so I decided, instead of trying to fight to put both lots of work and play into my days-- I should probably just take a vacation actually because I've been pretty close to burn out, truth be told.

I've still got a lot on my plate and I think I'm a little bit behind with work-- but it's exactly because of that that I can tell I'm close to a type of burn out. I've been incredibly stressed recently;; 

I don't take that many days off each week, actually, and one of my days off in the week each week is almost entirely filled with doing errands for myself and the household because I'm booked solid otherwise. (And lately, I fill my other day off with errands too, so you can see how uh, filled up my days would be normally.)

So, for the sake of trying to get work done later in the month (which I feel I will be able to do better after a break) I'm gonna take 3 days off this week + my regular two days off, and be back to work on this Saturday. 

I'm always, *always* afraid to take breaks because lately there always seems to be someone who unpledges and says "wow, DCS just didn't make enough content" even though otherwise I would be making stuff REALLY consistently thru the week but, I gotta let that shit go, I gotta let that part of my anxiety go b/c someone who can't handle me trying to nourish my brain for the sake of better work later may not have understood my work in a way I like anyways X_X

Thanks for your understanding and patience everyone! I hope you'll stick with me into next week~ 



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