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Ah, first censored page of the chapter. That's just how it goes! Uncensored version can be downloaded below.

It's tough, because a lot of these pages simply include the upper chest of fem characters, totally unsexy and just kinda there, but bare chests are still just like, unfairly censored and it sucks because hey, I'm still trying to make a living and do what I need to do. It's always rough to come up to these walls I gotta deal with.

Been having trouble sleeping lately (just unlucky with it rn) so I hope y'all are doing a little better. Thanks a ton for your support!



Rin Joyce

I have so many characters that I want to be topless, because covering their chest just doesn't feel right, but I CAN'T if I want to post it anywhere 😭


Well, as someone who has had to get creative on where I post-- I can actually recommend a few places! Deviantart, Furaffinity, and Twitter all allow you to post topless characters, and SOMETIMES Instagram does, especially if you put the image behind a first image. As for comics, Comicfury has always allowed adult content, and Itchio, Steam, and Google Play as also places that allow it. It's a small amount of places-- but it's not none!


This seems... oddly romantic? Like all those lil' fae are having a good time and so does she...


It's meant to be ambiguous and kinda dubious. It always feels nice to enter a fae circle, but that's because of their influence, and for some folks, they come out of it thinking it was pretty and fun, and that getting a random kid out of the situation is nice! Some people want that. Others, just had no idea it's gonna happen, and it's NOT a fun thing to look back on, and the event is highly looked down upon and feared by many cultures. (Again, because it has a pull, there is an essence of not being in control that is uh, not great) Thusly, it is a dubious situation.