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Ey! Not sure what to call these, so for now I'll just call them by week since I think that's like, straight forward enough? It feels odd not to have a Patron-only comic running but MY GOD I've been so productive on my game and other stuff in comparison that I'm really glad I'm taking a little break. It's gonna be good for us in the end, I promise!!!

Here's other stuff I updated:

  • LEE'S GAME COMES OUT ON CONSOLES TOMORROW! AAAA I know I keep mentioning this, but it would be really nice if y'all could show your support for this release. IT COULD CHANGE A LOT FOR THE BETTER FOR ME. Here's the link to the trailer on Youtube if you wanna comment and help boost it more! 
  • Put up the weekly game dev diary! Mostly I did drawing for the game this week. Today I'll either do writing or some Steam stuff.
  • Various fun and cute commissions. They've been real cute lately.
  • Art for the Sola game! 
  • 2 pages for the Prologue comic, along with new sketches for pages.

The Secret Club info should be in your message inbox here on Patreon if you've pledged $5 or more. If you're missing it, just contact me and I'll get you the information!

Or, if you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!

Thanks everyone!



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