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The like, talking part of the comic is finished, and now it's just two horny pages to celebrate Alkaline gettin' it. Heheh.

Here's other stuff I updated:

  • Updates are a little slim this week just because I had a busy (in a fun way) weekend! Felt really good to recharge. On the downside, I have another big dental appointment today, but hopefully after this I'm just gonna have some time to work on comics/game stuff for a good week 'n a half like usual.
  • Chapter 5 continues! Really having a ton of fun with it so far-- and I think I figured out what I'm gonna do to pad out the actual book since this chapter is short. (Might have a chapter all about Satine, ooo!)
  • Been working hard on backgrounds for the Solanaceae Epilogue game! Feels good to have more time for this! I think the backgrounds are looking real nice so far. :3c
  • Lots and lots of page sketches... (I really enjoy doing them! My favorite part of the process, aha.)

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Or, if you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!

Thanks everyone!



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