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BIG DAY, BIG DAY. I haven't been up for long but already, a bunch has happened! So hey, here's the news!

Here's other stuff I updated:

  • Tomai buttons are done and available for purchase! 
  • Happy to finally announce that One-Eyed Lee and the Dinner Party is coming console! That's right, one of my games will be on the PS4, PS5, Xbox, *AND* Switch! So, I really appreciate any spreading of the word or hey, if you haven't checked out the game yet, maybe this will be a good chance to?
  • Next page is actually the last page for Topping You Off! and then it'll have 2 extra pages because I wanted to.
  • I finished the thumbnails for Chapter 5 and the cover for it is done too! It's a short chapter, so it'll be interesting to figure out how to fill it out enough to fill up the book. (Squarebound books need about 60 pages to printed, and I wanna keep making squarebound books for the chapters, so...) Pages for Chapter 5 will hopefully start next week! I might need to spend some time just doing sketches though, aha, so please forgive the delay. It'll be worth the wait :)c
  • I also generally put up some fun sketches and illustrations and such. This was a good month for art, despite my new set up being kind of hard to draw with, oops. (I'm working on it.)
The Secret Club info should be in your message inbox here on Patreon if you've pledged $5 or more. If you're missing it, just contact me and I'll get you the information!

Or, if you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!

Thanks everyone!



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