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I love this page, especially the last panel of Battam, hehe, oops.

I keep worrying I'm uh, shadowbanned on Tapas? But, I downloaded the app (meaning it wasn't connected to an account) and looked up Solanaceae and it showed up? Which, I'm pretty sure means it's not technically shadowbanned (and I think they give you a notice if it is?) but I didn't check around the site to see if it appeared under the BL tag (it does on Desktop) and wow, the sub growth has been slower than ever and I'm surprised! Usually horny scenes get folks lots of subs, and I've gotten plenty of comments (so thankful) so I'm curious as to what's going on... hm...

Maybe I've just capped at subs at the moment? Seems odd to me though! I've been working hard to try and get more cuz I wanted to celebrate 20k with 10 extra pages cuz I've never had 20k subs on anything before AAAA.

Well, if anyone has any speculations, let me know. 👀

Thanks for your support everyone! Gonna post the Secret Club update here in a second.




You show up on my list when it’s updated. :o so I don’t know what could be going wrong. Maybe more people are just following through a link or something? But anyway love the comic! Been following it for a long while now and finally decided to be a Patreon! :3 hope you aren’t shadowbanned though. That sucks cause I’ve seen a lot of artist, here and tiktok, suffer from it. Like let people be themselves without feeling like they have to change.


Yeah, being shadowbanned on Tapas *doesn't* remove you from someone's list, so that wouldn't prove if I was or wasn't. Mostly, being shadowbanned means you're not promoted as much via the algorithm and don't show up in many spots on the app. BUT, after talking to a few folks, we suspect I'm not shadowbanned, probably just very unlucky this month. (DURING PRIDE MONTH NO LESS, TSK TSK, lol) And hey, thank you! I appreciate it a lot! To be quite honest, having Patrons is probably more connected to me being able to do my comic than having subs on Tapas is, so I really appreciate it <3 Hope you're enjoying it around here!

sean-eeeee 🧡

I was recently scrolling through the comics on Tapas & Solanaceae was there so I don’t think you’ve been shadowbanned? I do follow you on there but any time i’ve been searcing through all the BL comics I always see yours there.