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*ignore this re-upload if you've already seen it, I'm trying to fix an issue on my end, don't worry about it, lol*

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I've got my 2nd dose!

I did have some side effects, but they weren't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Lots of body aches, headaches, and generally feeling crummy-- but I decided to still take the weekend off because I suddenly had car trouble and was feeling very, very stressed. Honestly? I needed a reset. So, I spent time with my good pal Nami and played Stardew!

It was amazing! Love me some Stardew and it's always great to pick it up again after it's had updates. I'm really grateful I got that time, and it inspired me to work on my own stuff even more. AND OH! The car stuff happened to be covered by the warranty for that big fix I paid for earlier this month, so it all worked out. WOW! Very lucky.

Today, I'm off to pick up my car and do some other errands so my work time might be a little limited, but I'm gonna do my best. I also have a ton of appointments in June/July/August since I'll finally be all vaxxed up by that point and ready to get looked at in person again. So... BUSY SUMMER, but maybe not in the way I wanted, aha.

I think I'll write up a more detailed summary of some of my summer plants / expectations on the Secret Club blog since I think it's a little dense for here, but I also know some folks are interested in that kind of thing so it is fun to post about here and there.

Anyways, thanks a bunch for your support this month, everyone! I'm so grateful this Patreon is finding growth, and I think if we're lucky, we're gonna hit a milestone or two next month! :D YAY!



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