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So, as I mentioned before, I'm getting my 2nd COVID vaccine dose on the 21st of this month, which I fully expect to knock me on my ass, so I will most likely be taking a few days off for that...

BUT, HEY, WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT? In the middle of the day yesterday, my kidneys started hurting again, so much I had to lie down and just, sleep for the rest of the day and not finish my work.

My doctor's office was so concerned about the message I sent them last night that they called me this morning to get an appointment ASAP. I'm going in at 2pm. T_T I wanted to get tests anyways, I was just waiting until I was fully vaccinated for mine and everyone else's safety.

But yeah, this means Topping You Off! pages might be slightly behind and other stuff might be behind for a hot minute too, because this kidney stuff really knocks me on my ass, and at this point, IT IS a mystery illness, we don't know what it is. <:'( 

So uh, sorry about that! I get scared every time I'm sick because no matter what, a few people always drop support because I'm not producing as much and it's rough! It really does scare me. 

All I can ask is, please be patient with me, I really work my ass off when I'm well to give you as much content as I physically and mentally can-- right now the physical part just needs rest and attention.

Thank you all!


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