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"After splitting up for the day, both Zoro and Sanji start to feel off-balance. When Zoro makes his way thru town looking for his partner, he discovers Sanji is missing. Will he be able to find him? Or is it too late for the cook?"

Hello again everyone! That’s right, I finished another ZoSan Fan Visual Novel! This one took quite a bit more of time because it’s significantly larger than the last one! Hehe!

I started work on this game almost immediately after finishing Night Tide; and as such, this game is it’s sequel in the concept of“being in sync”.

The two games aren’t necessarily sequels in terms of story and relationship, but are most definitely sequential in terms of ideas and concepts.

This game is best played with headphones.

It is rated R-18 and includes sex scenes– but has an option at the beginning to skip the sex scenes entirely, so the game can also be played as a PG-13 game.

It takes about 40-60 minutes to complete (though it can be much shorter if you’re clicking too fast, which I don’t recommend) and was made with the help of NomnomNami, who makes amazing games and created a completely original soundtrack for this game!

Anyways, I hope all of you enjoy! I’ve been sitting on this sucker for about a

week and a half and am so excited to finally release it into the world!

I'll be releasing the PDF's to all of ya'll for FREE and the OST for $5+ Patreons! Just a little thank you for all of you supporting me thru everything and letting me be a big dumb ZoSan fan hehe!

Hope all of you enjoy some DCS-styled-porn IN VISUAL NOVEL FORM THIS TIME! WOW!



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