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Another free page, just to keep all the $1-$3 properly ahead! Still gonna try to bump up this tier to 15 pages ahead when I can, most likely when I get 20k subs on Tapas, which, WOOF, I set such a big goal for myself there, I'm gonna have to start preparing cuz it's gonna sneak up on me...

WHICH LIKE, IS A WILD CONCEPT TO ME?! GROWTH?! PEOPLE ARE LOOKING AT MY THINGS?! It's... a lot! It'S GOOD THOUGH, I'M HAPPY T_T It's a nice excuse to make more pages for folks since I don't have a book deadline currently haha.

Anyways, enough rambling! Thanks for your support this month, everyone!

Gonna put the info about the Secret Club update here in a sec cuz I REALIZE I FORGOT TO DO THAT AGAIN, I'M SO SORRY. These unusual updates have put me off my routine, I'm so sorry, aha.






XD someone's gonna get punished if they carry on with that topic. Height a sensitive subject for Battam?


Naw, Battam likes being short just fine (he's 4'11" in case you were curious) but Sal being like WHY ISNT YOUR DICK SMALL HUH ITTY BITTY DICK is just like jfc SHUT UP you're ruining the mood!!!