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Hey everyone!

I wanted to wish you all a safe and happy holidays this season. I've been humbled and honored by everyone's continued support through such a tough year. 

I always feel like I get a little tongue tied writing these end-of-year festive time thank yous because I am just always so stunned and amazed I was able to put another year of creating stuff under my belt.

I def want to make a yearly summary at some point to talk about exactly how much I accomplished this year and compare it to last year. (Though, that doesn't seem super fair to myself considering everything that happened, especially with my health) But, it's still interesting to see how it all holds up.

Anyways, here's a fun pic of Battam and Sal for the season! Gave Battam a new dress this year because I have a lot of fun designing outfits for him around this theme.

Thank you all so so much again for your support, your kind words, and for coming into the goofy world of my stories and enjoying them with me. See you all again very soon!




Happy holidays


Ooooh! Battam's dress is so cute @A@

SquishSquish (edited)

Comment edits

2022-06-07 19:08:46 So cuuuute !!! And warming !! <3 Late, but Happy Hollidays to you too !! Hope you've been resting well ! And enjoyed it pretty good. ^w^ Happy New year to you too 〜. Wishing you good health and the best for 2021 and new started decade. ^^
2021-01-04 22:32:36 So cuuuute !!! And warming !! <3 Late, but Happy Hollidays to you too !! Hope you've been resting well ! And enjoyed it pretty good. ^w^ Happy New year to you too 〜. Wishing you good health and the best for 2021 and new started decade. ^^

So cuuuute !!! And warming !! <3 Late, but Happy Hollidays to you too !! Hope you've been resting well ! And enjoyed it pretty good. ^w^ Happy New year to you too 〜. Wishing you good health and the best for 2021 and new started decade. ^^