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Satine, the succubus, has won this year's Halloween illustration poll!

To remind everyone what the idea was, here it is again!

4) Satine, the succubus! ✨ An indirect  sequel to last year's picture, except this time it focuses on Satine  the succubus! So, Satine would get a whole new cute outfit for this, of  course. Image would be Satine having been summoned by a bunch of cute  guys and gals for their pleasure, Satine would be in the middle being  fucked and giving someone oral while the rest enjoy their drinks and  take photos. Satine would love all of this attention, of course!  Variants would include cum and dialogue and faces and such.

I think the SFW illustration will show off both Succubus Battam and Succubus Satine, probably on either side of Sal as they both cause him some trouble, hehe. Similar to the SFW illustration I did last year, probably to match it a bit.

And yeah! This is very exciting! I had a feeling this idea would be well liked.

For anyone curious, the 2nd runner up was a sequel to last years image with Battam the succubus, followed by Battam the vampire prince and dead last was Sal the werewolf, aha. Maybe next year I'll choose one of those cuz I like those ideas so much, but also polls are fun too? I don't know yet! That's next year's problem, aha.

Anyways, what happens now?

First, I work on the sketch for the image, share that with Secret Club members, then I complete the image at some point, share it with Secret Club members early again, of course, and eventually the whole set comes out as a PDF here on Patreon proper, sometime before Halloween. 

The exact release date is up in the air just because that's a little easier for me. My goal is simply "before Halloween" for both images, aha.

Thanks so much everyone! Looking forward to working on this~ See you again tomorrow!



OMG !!! I missed the pool ! Didn't see the time fly !! O__O I'm so happy the one I wanted to see the most won !! Yeay 〜 Good luck for it and enjoy !!! >w<


Yes! I kept this poll pretty short too as I wanted to have lots of time to actually draw the picture XD


For the SFW, the big question for me is will it be Succubus Battam or Incubus Battam 🤔😏 Either way I love both options!


I use the word succubus for both Battam and Satine because it's generally thought of as the "fem" version of the sexy demons, in a similar way that witch is considered fem! So I thought hey, I'll continue the trend.