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I've almost completely recovered from my injuries/illness, and I can feel myself getting faster and more productive. Also, now that Liar's Maze is finished, hopefully this Patreon will be getting even more images-- including Chapter 3 pages!

I've also updated:

  • My 'Hive Heart' Guest Comic! (Lots of sexy smooching...)
  • My 'The Sweetness of Salt' Guest Comic! (It's also a bit horny...)
  • Various commissions!
  • I plan to have *3* Chapter 3 pages done by the end of my work day!
The Secret Club info should be in your message inbox here on Patreon if you've pledged $5 or more. If you're missing it, just contact me and I'll get you the information!

Or, if you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!




Glad you're feeling better!!!! HUGGS!!!!!


Soooo nice to read !!! (Concerning your health issue !!) I'm so happy for you !!! *A* <3


Also, Telen was really waiting for Buck to ask this question, lol. My, my, Telen face on last page is so cute once again ♡ Also… I just want Buck to smile at me like that every time I’m feeling bad in my life, oh my gosh !! ;w; Angel face !! Many thanks for all those updates ! :3 Enjoy your free days for the Halloween period and taking time with Niku ! And hope your back pain will fly away soon. ^3^ ♡