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So, as many of you have seen me post around here, on the Secret Club, and on my personal Twitter, I recently became ill after being diagnosed with what is most likely to be kidney stones as brought on by calcium supplements I took a few months back as recommended by my dentist. (Thank god I only took them for a short amount of time!)

---- Content Warning for this section, I talk about medical procedures and urine ----

That said, this month on the 3rd I was in a lot of pain, I passed some "sand" and at that point I though, "Okay, cool, this is over" -- that was not the case. Tuesday this week, driving home, I got the same kinds of pain again but this time, I didn't pass anything, I was just in a lot of pain, extremely poor appetite, and couldn't sit up or stand for long periods of time. So, work was off the table pretty immediately then.

Thankfully, one of my roommates was kind enough to drive me to the doctor, I got tests and again confirmed, "This is probably kidney stones due to calcium supplements, uh-oh" and now I am on a regimen of LOTS of water and ""FLOMAX"" which is a drug that relaxes the ~smooth muscles~ meaning I piss so much pee, my god. I also have to strain my urine (very common in these situations) in hopes of catching ANY kind of stone to make sure it was the calcium and nothing more.

I don't have any symptoms that would need me to go to the ER, suggesting that this probably isn't that serious-- but when I went to get an ultrasound yesterday, they did say my bladder and kidneys were retaining small amounts of fluid. (Meaning, they aren't draining all the way, which is indication that SOMETHING is in those little tubes making that difficult.)

---- Medical stuff ends here --- 

Today I am finally feeling well enough to sit up, shower, maybe do my hip stretches, and MAYBE do a bit of work, within reason. My appetite is returning but the thought of cooking still makes me ill, and I've needed a lot of assistance from my extremely kind partner, Niku, and all of my roommates. They have all been so kind and helpful! 

Going forward, I just have to keep up treatments until either a) I pass something major b) the pain stops and I'm cleared via ultrasound or urine test, or both.

So, as of right now I can't really say how consistent I will be with my usual updates. I am pretty sure I can still get 2 Solanaceae pages done each week, and I'm pretty sure I can finish Liar's Maze before Halloween.

The problem with kidney stones is that the pain and sickness tends to come "in waves" -- I can go from feeling %100 good to feeling %100 bad in an instance, and it already happened 2 times this month. Who knows when it'll happen again, it's all a roulette wheel of bullshit and pain. Not only that, but my ulcerative proctitis (fun surprise if you didn't know, I'm technically chronically ill my meds just work GOOD most of the time) decided to kick the fuck in a little bit today so uh, BOY HOWDY, that's exciting! 

So, while I'm guessing what will be most effected by these delays, it could eventually become like, EVERYTHING, that's effected... oof! Let's hope not! 

Stuff I know is already delayed by this is:

-Cavemate finishing, proofing, printing, all of that. The book is not coming out as soon as I could have liked. Let's expect a LATE November release, or possible December release.

-Commissions in general. I'm gonna e-mail all of my clients.

-Other stuff I don't think I've predicted quite yet. I'm on a pretty rigorous update scheduale and I never realize how intense it is until something comes along and upsets it, so... sorry for any future delays!

I know this is very out of my control, but there's still a part of me that feels "guilty" in a sense, I think that's just uh, capitalism and self worth problems though, and again I wanted to thank all of you for being so kind and patient with me during this frankly fucking wild time in my life. 

I'm doing what I can to take things slow and to eat and sleep and DRINK PLENTIFUL WATER so I can recover as fast as possible and get back to working and making fun stuff for all of us to enjoy.

For now though, I will just do what I can within reason.

Oh! And as a last note, I had considered giving myself a mini-vacation after Cavemate was done, but had ultimately veto'd the idea... but now I'm... considering doing that again. I wanna make sure my ducks are in a row before I do it though, so I will give all of you a heads-up before I do that. This will most likely happen in October. (And in December I will likely give myself my yearly Christmas break as well... I... I need it;;;)

Thank you all again and I hope you are fairing better than me!



Oh jeeze that sounds incredibly unpleasant, here's hoping it's just stubborn mundane-yet-painful stuff and not anything serious. Best of luck @_@

Damien Eipm

I passed a stone once, and man it was horrific. Good luck in getting better. Once you actually get past it it's so much better almost right away.


I hope things get better for you soon! If there is anything I can do to help, lemme know. And I agree that a little vacation may be good! Considering the leftovers in the spaces you mention in the medical part, I used to struggle a lot with infections in that area. One thing that helped me immensely was chamomile tea, since it's incredibly soothing while washing through you pretty quickly. Always helped me stave off worse infections when I noticed the first signs, and has a generally pain soothing effect. Maybe that's helpful? Idk, I just wish I could make things better for you, that pain is some of the worst ever. ;A; Take your time to recover! Your health is the most important thing!


That's what I've heard! Sadly, I think mine is more like "a bunch of sand stuck in there" so we'll see how long this lasts?!?! It's very annoying.


Oh my lord, DCS!!!! Plz do take care of yourself and get well soon. Do not rush yourself, we understand and your health is way more important that the updates of your lovely artworks you already give us so much almost everyday, which we are very grateful and how much content you give us soo frequently. But this is time you take it easy and please recover, love! All the best wishes and hugs from the Caribbean!!! GET WELL SOON!! *hugs* 🤗💕🌈


Thank you! That is a nice tip, I like chamomile tea a lot (I can't have caffeine) so it's nice to know it has helpful effects there. What's wild is that I always took care to drink a lot of water and like, kept an eye on all of my functions, but it wasn't enough because it was just a thing I have no idea would happen. I've also heard citrus is good for making sure any sentiment in the kidneys is broken up (the acid is supposed to help) so this is a good excuse for me to keep enjoying citron tea when I can get my hands on some again. >:) It's got a lot of sugar so I gotta be careful with it but IT'S CITRUS AT LEAST, AWWWYEAH.


OH GOSH! Thank you!!! Yeah, I'm only up and working today because I feel okay! I am not taking any chances with this and am doing follow-up stuff with the doctors and all of that! Before we know it, I'll be back to making a bunch of pages like I want to hehe >:) *hugs*🌈


Hope you get well soon <3


yeah going to need you to get well soon, you're too important not too


Oh dear that sounds really painful. Im totally on board with you just taking it easy for as long as you need, especially after dealing with all this! (You totally deserve a mini-vacation to, all the comics and games you put out, darn right you deserve one!) Still i hope you make a speedy recovery, its good knowing you caught it somewhat early but still having to put up with the stones can't be nice at all. Don't worry about the comics for now, we'll all still be here you just make sure you get yourself better. <3 <3 Sending hugs and healing vibes your way!!!


Hey, you just focus on getting you better. We'll still be here.


My roommate got a nasty stone a few years ago. She wouldn't wish it on anyone. Def get better and don't worry about delays Your health comes first.


Please put yourself first! I would rather a small delay/vacation than a huge one because you didn't take care of yourself. You are so good at what you do that we will be here waiting. Much love your way!


Aaa I wish you so much luck with this!!! I am also,,, dealing with a kidney stone rn, which I should be used to at this point since I get them every few months, but it doesn't really make it easier. It is so so understandable if you need a break, have delays, anything. Take care of yourself!! That is the most important.

Simon Beck

Take all the time you need!! I'm chronically ill too, and boy howdy. %100 good to %100 bad in a blink. Yikes. I know the feel. And capitalism can go eat a pineapple without removing the skin first, and rub some aloe, with the skin still on to "help" the pain. (0/10 do not use aloe with skin on on bad ouchie bits.) :( I have plenty of your stuff to catch up on! A backlog if you will. So I'm good for content ♡ please don't rush or push yourself.


I wish you to get better soon. Please take all the time you need I personally don’t mind waiting but feel better knowing you didn’t push yourself too hard. Hopefully the thing with the kidney stones will be over soon, I know people who had this and it sounds so damn painful. Wishing you a lot of healing and good! ❤️


Thank you! Mostly I want to get better soon because if I don't work, I don't have any income ;o; I don't have a lot to fall back on, thus is the life of an artist. It's a spooky situation, that's for sure! But I'm doing what I can and appreciate everyone's kindness and patience so much!


Thank you! I appreciate that! Thankfully I am starting to feel better bit by bit so I think work is on the horizon for me bit by bit... which I'm happy about because I like working on my comics and games!! That's why I do this whole Patreon ;o; <3333


OH NO!!!! KIDNEY STONE PALS BUT IT'S NOT A GOOD KIND OF PAL TO BE! I am chugging water and taking my flomax in your honor... may it pass quickly, swiftly, and painlessly. I really hope I don't get recurring ones after this cuz holy shit this has derailed my life majorly.


I'm doing what I can! I am def not pushing it and only doing things when I feel up to it. Thankfully sitting and drawing is not the most strenuous activity XD


THANK YOU! I'm hoping this all passes by rather quickly, but with this kind of thing it's VERY hard to tell when it'll be over. CROSSING MY FINGERS I CAN HAVE A NICE HALLOWEEN WITH NO STONE???


Hope you feel better soon!


HUGGS! Remember to be kind to yourself <3