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Battam and Sal, being kinda fucked up together! It's a good thing.

Also, holy shit, so uh, I'm in Oregon if you didn't know, and our air has been "unhealthy" to "hazardous" for the last few days and I think it's EASY to say I've been very stressed and feeling a little bit unhinged during that time.

I've been doing my best to keep up with work, but my flow has def been a little disturbed by this and having hurt my wrist a tiny bit the other day. (I am very good about not pushing even soreness in my wrist, so I took that time off, iced it, and now it's back to %100!) But, still, I feel like, shitty I'm not able to preform as normal... even though... these times are not good or normal...

Er, I suppose that little rant is aside from the point, because I think I will still be able to finish all of my normal updates and Cavemate is still well on it's way to being finished for printing. (It's got about 6 images left to be done, 3 of those are simple book design ones) Then the comic will need to be looked over and proofed and given any final fixes/edits, and otherwise my other deadline'd work is still well within it's way to being done...

Anyways! I hope if anyone else is in this situation you're hanging in there! Being double trapped inside is horrible, and today I gotta go outside into the hazardous air for groceries, I have no choice. Wish me luck.

As always, thank you so much for your support and understanding. Knowing all of you are here... always gives me something to strive for and keep going, as silly as that might sound.

See you all tomorrow for a Cavemate update + another page!




I hope you are ok stay safe. Also if you need time to rest I'm sure we can wait for an update.


Updates for Cavemate have already been planned way in advance, so we're covered there for a while! The only stuff I'm making per week is Solanaceae pages and I *WANT* to work on those... please understand... I have no fun if I can't update, because I like to draw and make my thing! I usually only take breaks if I'm hurt or need a vacation (which nobody can take right now anyways) so uh, working is the only thing keeping me sane! Sounds wild, but that's how it feels!


The whole situation sounds just awful, I really hope you're doing alright!! And if you take a bit longer for things it's totally understandable, things are crazy rn, your health and wellbeing matter the most. Also, this is a super cute page!! I love how compatibility-fucked-up Battam and Sal are, they work so well together. The bottom left panel is my favorite, Battam looks adorable in it!!


Yeah, mostly I've just been trying to take breaks if anything physically goes wrong with me, otherwise being able to do work "as normal" and complete tasks helps keep me sane. I love drawing and I love updating and making stuff so like, that is never a burden to me unless I'm severely burn out-- right now the situation is just making EVERYTHING tough. AND YES GOSH, Battam and Sal are so good for each other T_T I can't wait for some stuff in the epilogue game that is like ooh so good and so sad and OH I h ope u will like it


I wish you clean air and low stress my PNW comrade. <3

YourDeerAuntSally (Pem)

I’m in Oregon, too, and everything is so tough right now 😩 Really hoping for some rain and that we can breathe fresh air soon. Wishing you safety and wellness as we hang in there 💜


yeah AUGH everyone keeps saying we'll get rain but it just hasn't come!!! it's getting hard to believe... very rough!

SquishSquish (edited)

Comment edits

2022-06-07 19:17:22 I wanted to wish you luck but well, I'm late 😩 Anyway, I wish you luck for all the following days ( and any future groceries and all) ! >< And keep my fingers crossed so it get better soon. I was asking you how you were doing just a few days before. Well, I know the answer now reading at this post and the one from today, ah ah. ^^" Good think your wrist is also fine for now. Take care ♡ (I'm now going to react on today update too, ah ah.)
2020-09-16 21:30:16 I wanted to wish you luck but well, I'm late 😩 Anyway, I wish you luck for all the following days ( and any future groceries and all) ! >< And keep my fingers crossed so it get better soon. I was asking you how you were doing just a few days before. Well, I know the answer now reading at this post and the one from today, ah ah. ^^" Good think your wrist is also fine for now. Take care ♡ (I'm now going to react on today update too, ah ah.)

I wanted to wish you luck but well, I'm late 😩 Anyway, I wish you luck for all the following days ( and any future groceries and all) ! >< And keep my fingers crossed so it get better soon. I was asking you how you were doing just a few days before. Well, I know the answer now reading at this post and the one from today, ah ah. ^^" Good think your wrist is also fine for now. Take care ♡ (I'm now going to react on today update too, ah ah.)