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 Hey ya'll! Thought I'd do another one of these since people seemed to like them and since they help pad out some updates for me in a way I like!

What is this? Readers (that's you, hopefully!) ask questions to the characters, I draw the response as though the characters were responding!

I would like to answer about 6 questions in total, the answers will go up around the time that the end of Chapter 2+2.5 wraps up for public readers, and early for Club Members basically as soon as I finish them.

Some quick rules:

  • Only questions for characters from Solanaceae!
  • Ask as many questions as you like, to as many characters as you'd like.
  • They will respond as their current end of Chapter 2.5 self, they do not know the future. (And yes, this goes for Violana as well.)
  • NSFW questions are okay to ask but if the response has nudity it will have to be posted to the Secret Club uncensored and censored publicly.
  • Asking multiple questions is okay!
  • If the answer to your question is a spoiler, I will not respond to it publicly, but if it's minor enough, I can tell you in private.
  • Since all of you are my Patrons, if I don't choose to answer your question with a drawing, there's a high chance I'll at least answer back in text!

I cannot guarantee I will answer every question, but if a question gets asked a lot it will most likely get  bumped up to be answered. Goofy, serious, or random questions are all fine and dandy!

I'll be asking for questions publicly from readers at some point too, but you lovely Patrons here get to do it first and get priority! 

3 of the questions I answer will be from Patrons, hopefully! So, this gives all of you a better chance of receiving some fun drawings in response to your questions!

Thanks everyone! Excited to hear from you!




Passing by again while I'm currently trying to process on a new fanart, and I just noticed I had an other question: ... Does Battam have any pyjama and if that's the case, what does his pyjama looks like ? (Lmao) Also, does he have spare outfit ? (Well, does he have several exemplary of the same outfit in his closet ? Same question goes for Sal. x,D) (If I have to explain the reason of my question, I just passed by again on the moment Battam caught Sal trying to run away... And he just kept is usual outfit at this moment. So, I was wondering if he kept it on purpose or what ? x,3) (Also, figuring the game, Satine change they outfit when Sal and Battam don't. ^^)


Hi! Battam usually sleeps in the nude, otherwise it's just whatever plain sleeping gown you can think of. Battam *does* have a spare outfits, but the outfit he has on right now is actually his mother's dress, scarf, and hat, so they are very, very important to him. Think of them almost like a security blanket in that way. He loves his Mom and wears it a lot to honor and remember her by. Sal simply doesn't like clothing and so, doesn't own a lot of it. The loincloth and cloak are simply so he doesn't get kicked out of places. I've mostly just doodled Battam in other outfits, but he tends to like things that are a bit revealing, a bit sleek, and dark colors like black, blue, and purple. He's got some dresses that cut up the thigh and such. Battam and Satine both only wear dresses. Satine changes his outfit because the old one was a coven uniform. The change of outfit represents Satine's freedom from that time in his life, and his ability to now embrace big, frilly cute dresses like he likes, instead of having to dress down all the time. I hope this makes sense!


I have a question for Satine! What sort of things do you usually get Battam? And is it ever stuff you've made?