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I've also updated:

  • A few commissions!
  • A few "Your Valet" pages and page sketches. <:3c It's spicy now!
  • Thumbnails for an upcoming comic commission
  • Later today hoping to upload a commission with lots of variants!
  • Also later today hoping to upload 2 Solanaceae pages + sketches!
The Secret Club info should be in your message inbox here on Patreon if you've pledged $5 or more. If you're missing it, just contact me and I'll get you the information!

Or, if you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!

Thank you everyone!




I love the dynamic between these two. &lt;3


me too T^T &lt;3 I really hope to make a small book with them one day! I wanna make at least 2 more chapters of this comic :D


i love buck &amp; telen so much ;A;


ME TOO! That's why they will def be getting another chapter or two eventually, and then eventually a cute complete collection book :D