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We're on an odd off week, so both updates this week are free! :) Nice little gift for everyone, since I don't like to skip updates if I don't have to.

(I don't like to do paid updates on the first of a month either, because at least a few people get declined, so paid updates will resume next week. As always, there will never be more than 4 charges in a month.)

Sometimes, we do freebie posts, sometimes we cry because Battam is crying. 

I hope all of you are doing okay! In case anyone was wondering, I'm feeling better now so I think what I was feeling last week was stress. I'm sure that's uhh, a very common sentiment for people nowadays, huh?

See you again tomorrow!




Yeah, I know you said that these new parts of the story would be rough and GOD they are rough :C


Woah, that's kind of sad but beautiful that they managed to still have some of her remains like that.


OTL YEAH! But I think it was really important to get a bit more clarity on exactly what happened in Battam's past without overstating it either. I'm pretty happy with the scene. ToT