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Been widdling away at the Chapter 2.5 pages, but burn out from other stuff has def been hitting me hard. Gonna do my best to see if I can't ink and color a page or two today, at least!

I've also updated:

  • Celestial Bodies Page 13 is up!
  • Sketches for all the pages in Ch. 2.5 are up!
  • The 200 Patron Milestone picture is up! Enjoy Battam and Sal with some tentacles!
  • Various sketches and commissions are up.
Thanks everyone-- the Secret Club info should be in your message inbox here on Patreon if you've pledged $5 or more; but if you're missing it just contact me and we'll get ya on track~ ;3

Or, if you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!



Nena B.

Take your time and take care of yourself! What you do is worth the wait!


Thank you! but I *DO* have a deadline XD I need to get this book done in time for an upcoming convention!!!