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Hey all! It's that special time again, the time where I have some spots for cameos in the epilogue game for Solanaceae. I've got 4 spots this time!

If you have a character you wouldn't mind seeing in the game, now is the time!

The character will appear somewhere in Winter Cress village, a village way up in the mountains where Battam, Sal, and Satine are looking for a witch to help them build their coven.

BUT! There are some rules to these cameo spots:

  • If your character has already cameo'd/or is set to cameo in the Solanaceae: Epilogue game, they cannot be submitted.
  • If your character already cameo'd in the prologue comic, they cannot be submitted.
  • Character MUST BE HUMAN, AND ONLY HUMAN. This is for plot purposes-- sorry, I know it's tough when a lot of you have non-human characters, but trust me when I say some of your characters will get time to shine later.
  • Your character cannot have any "non-natural" hair -- bright oranges, yellows, gray, are all okay, but blues, greens, pinks, etc, are a no-go.
  • Your character will be in winter clothing, as decided by me! As such, parts of their body like arms, legs, neck may be covered up, and they may be wearing a hat. If you don't want part of their design to be covered up, I suggest not submitting them!
  • This village is kind of a no-fun-zone type village that's pretty strict, so any characters who are goody-two-shoes or just maybe even a bit mean are good to apply with.
  • I need a short summary of what your character is like in order for me to write a line or two from them! :) 
  • You gotta be okay with me distributing this game, and eventually selling it. I won't be able to share revenue with you, but I will never claim your character as my own, or put them in or on promotional material, merch, etc. 

I know these rules probably sound a little strict but honestly if you just have a cutie human who you wanna see hanging out in a snowy village, now is the time!

Cameos will be first come, first served -- assuming the character fits all criteria.

And don't worry if you don't get in this time, there's PLENTY of spots to cameo in the game/comic in the future! Your character will get their time to shine ;D




Here's the reference: https://twitter.com/box_traum/status/1226103527459692544?s=19 . He doesn't speak much, communicates more with gestures and actions. He's pretty shy. He only speaks when he's very angry, but alway tryes to be nice. He is quite the sensitive type.


Would you be okay with him speaking in the game? Visual Novels are mostly about the text, and I cannot draw more than one image to represent your character (most non story related characters get a single image) so therefore I cannot show your character expressing through his body as much as he needs to speak just a LITTLE BIT at least. Is that okay?


Totally ok. I ment that he's just so shy that it sometimes hard to talk with him and it's hard for him too. And what I ment with "only when angry" is that his tongue looses more when he is angry or kind of excited.