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 🥂 Here's to another awesome year in 2020, and here's to all of you making this comic (and many others) possible! Thank you so so much, and cheers!

This comic was a ton of fun to work on! It really got me thinking about what I focused on in 2019, and it's wild that I felt like I couldn't even fit everything into one comic! I did so much in 2019! It was so good! 

I focused on who I thought had the biggest spotlights in the year. (And also, the Tomai crew was highly requested, so of course I put them in too!)

I'm consistently speechless at all of the support everyone has given me. I'm just so dang grateful and I just wanna continue to make stuff that entertains you and puts a smile on your face. I'm gonna do my best for all of you! THANK YOU AGAIN! 💕 

And in case you missed them, or wanna see them again, here's the 2019 New Years comic and my 100 Patron comic which are both crossovers!

Have an awesome day, and I will announce the results of the 200 Patrons milestone poll very soon! 🥳 




Love this cute comic! It's great to see the Tomai boys make a small comeback. The rest of the cameos are really nice as well! Like Yarrow and Havi, Jabin and Duri, Pumpkin and Kabocha, and I was surprised to even see Cici and Angie!


OH NICE!!! Look how many you saw, I love that <33333 there were so many crowd shots this year that I wanted to include as many cuties as I think I could manage hehe <3


Oh God... I love it so much !!! TwT (Your cross-over, and especially this one, is the best I've even seen / read !!! ;w; ) (My heart !!! <3) I feel like christmas spirit still go on. ♡ (Plus, it was post few days before my birthday, so my birthday too stiil go one, lol).