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I went into more detail about my plans via the Patron-only Secret Club, but I wanted to post something quick and concise here too for anyone curious about my comic/game plans for 2020.

Before that, real quick here's my stats for 2019:

  • I posted approximately 1,150 images to the Secret Club! 
  • I created approximately 250 fully inked and colored comic pages this year. (This is such a huge amount of pages, please understand.)
  • I created approximately 50 sketched comic pages this year.

I completed the Solanaceae: Prologue, Chapter 1 comic this year, as  well as Mini-Dom, BEACH-Y, Something New, and Kiryu-Chan no Ecchi, which resulted in a whopping 4 books being printed this year!

As for game dev, I released One-Eyed Lee and the  Dinner Party, which is my first commercial release and first steam  release too! I also released the Tomai Extra stories and got Tomai and  Solanaceae: Another Time ported for mobile/tablet and released via  Google Play.

Speaking of books, here’s my book plans for 2020:

I wanna finish the Solanaceae: Prologue Chapter 2 book in time for  Anime Oasis. That means I need all the pages and cover and money by  sometime in April! Deadlines like this are wild but they help me push  out pages, haha. It’ll be nice to focus on comic pages again and really  just get Club members EVEN FURTHER ahead of public releases. 

Comic stuff I wanna do this year:

  • Solanaceae, Chapter 2 book this spring!
  • Chapter 3 will be started immediately after, but at the regular 2 page a week pace.
  • Pumpkin & Kabocha Chapter 2 will be finished!
  • Cavemate will be worked on and hopefully finished!
  • Possible sequel to Mini-Dom
  • Possible Alkaline/Zeggy comic about Alkaline’s oral fixation
  • Possible Alkaline/Zeggy comic about Zeggy fucking (topping) Alkaline for the first time

(If you're curious about some of the content for these comics, more info is in the Secret Club post with this same post name.)

Game dev stuff for this year:

  • Lots and lots of Solanaceae: Epilogue updates! (Patrons are always an update ahead!)
  • Witch AU Space School game?
  • Another possible tiny game?

And yeah! Phew! Hopefully this gives you an idea of the big plans I  have for 2020. 

Hope you’re all having a good or at least OK holiday season and I hope you’re as excited as I am for 2020! Thanks for all of your amazing support in 2019!



Wooo I'm excited >:O

The Sims 4 Wh0re

Oh god please 🥺 those two comic ideas for Zeggy and Alkaline ♥️💋👽🤠😈😤🍆💦👅


YES!!! RIGHT?! I hope I can fit them in! I'm not planning on making A to Z Volume 3 QUITE yet since I've got other stuff that takes priority, but probably sometime in 2021 or 2022 (god even writing those numbers is wild) I will have the third volume ready, and then a BIG omnibus (probably with an extra story) ... and then just more and more horny Alkaline and Zeggy stories forever HAHA So even if I get just one of the stories done, I will be satisfied!