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My Master is a Naga — Page 17 Check it out at this link (18+ only!): http://dcsart.tumblr.com/post/81164053054/my-master-is-a-naga-page-17-last-page-read 4/4 pages for the month! And, just like that, MMiaN Chapter 1 and my first ever Patreon story comes to a close! I seriously cannot express how amazing and life changing this experience has been for me, and I must thank all of you so so much from the very bottom of my heart for giving me your support. I'm living such a better, happier, and less stressful life now that I have Patreon and these comics to make. I feel so fulfilled and am literally working my dream job thanks to you. I can only hope I continue to make awesome comics for you all to enjoy! Thank you all so so much! Let's do our best together!



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