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We're in the horny now, folks.

 I've also updated:

  • The first two pages of Solanaceae Chapter 2!
  • 5 sketch pages of the Cutie Crawlies zine. (Human/Spider stuff, they've kissed now!)
  • More merch previews, for Space School and Solanaceae stuff!
  • Horny commissions, of course.
  • Some general loose doodles/sketches/thumbnails.
Thanks everyone-- the Secret Blog info should be in your message inbox here on Patreon if you've pledged $5 or more; but if you're missing it just contact me and we'll get ya on track~ ;3
Or, if you're not at the $5 and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade your pledge. 



The Sims 4 Wh0re

It's so close to my fav part, I know it cumming up! AH!!! <3