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Hey all!

Yes, it's finally time to share the My Master is a Naga illustration you all voted on!

I had mentioned I wanted to post this inJuly-- but as it got closer to the end of the month it just made more sense to post it when the month rolled over to August! Thanks for your patience!
I've also decided to keep the image as a download only as I tend to keep my Patreon as SFW as possible-- even though I'm technically allowed to post NSFW images behind the Patron-only wall, I don't usually like to risk it because sites are prone to changing policies on a dime. (I've learned this the hard way!)

BY THE BY, THANK YOU EVERYONE! Thank you all so so much! It's honestly a dream to get this many Patrons and every time we hit a new milestone I'm so blown away and so excited for the next one! How far can we go?!  

My Master is a Naga is how I got my start here on Patreon so it only feels fitting that we see these two for this special occasion as well.

Life has been quite a roller coaster for me lately, so it's always nice to come here and post something for everyone. It's a nice piece of consistency in my life. Thank you! 😭

When we reach $900 I want to do another round of votes for an image just like we did this-- cuz I had a lot of fun and I hope you did too!

Thank you so so much again, so much times a thousand! And I hope you have an awesome August!

Without further ado, here's the fic that goes along with these images. (it's also up on the Secret Blog if that format is easier for you! So are the images)


“Ah, haah haah!” Klaus’ excited moans filled up the sticky air all  around Naveen. The high ceilings of his room causing Klaus’ loud sounds  to echo and reverb against the walls. Naveen felt grateful they had the  manor to themselves this particular evening.

“Klaus, oh– oh!” Naveen squeaked, “My love!” He  felt his coils tighten even harder around Klaus’ defined muscles. He had  to be careful not to squeeze too tightly, lest he hurt his dear lover–  but holding back was so difficult.

With both his members packed tightly into his lover’s inviting heat,  Naveen was using his tail wrapped around Klaus to help him keep rhythm.  They had fallen into a steady pace this way.

How Klaus could take both engorged cocks Naveen would never know– but he didn’t question it, he loved it, he relished it. Klaus was such an excited and accepting lover, Naveen felt invincible during moments like this.

“Aah! Naveen, you fill me up so right!” Klaus shouted with a groan. So honest, Naveen thought, so honest and so charming. “Fuck me more, squeeze me more! Ah!” Klaus then followed up.

Reaching up to dip his fingers into Klaus’ wet, eager mouth, Naveen  lifted his arms from the bed to wrap them around Klaus along with his  scaled coils. 

“K-Klaus, my dove, my love! Oh! You feel so good!” Naveen’s mind was  fuzzy as he struggled to keep rhythm, desperate for the pleasure between  them to continue forever. He wanted to write Klaus a poem in such  moments, a flowery trail of words just for his Klaus, his dove, his  love.

But god, was moving inside him and feeling his tongue and  hearing this moans all just too much– there was no way his brain could  focus on anything else. All he could do was shout in response to Klaus’  own eager cries of joy.

Klaus wrapped his soft lips around Naveen’s long fingers– sucking on them with a loud slurp as he worked Naveen’s dicks.

Naveen could hear mumbled, wet, slurps that almost sounded like this  name, “Naveen– Naveen– Naveen–” the sound made his ears burn with blush  and desire.

“K-Klaus…” was all Naveen could manage, letting his long tongue drape  from his mouth. Hot breaths puffing out against Klaus’ slick skin. He  dragged his skilled tongue against his lover’s back– causing him to  shiver inside Naveen’s strong hold.

Naveen took the chance to squeeze his lover even tighter, taking more  control than before– moving Klaus’ ass up and down his eager dicks  faster now. Feeling him shiver and shake as he grew closer to orgasm,  just like Naveen. 

Removing his fingers from Klaus’ greedy mouth with a pop, Naveen  quickly moved his shaky fingers down to Klaus’ own dick, sloppily  stroking him with his own spit as lube. The rhythm of his fingers  against Klaus’ hard cock was clumsy; but the pace Naveen pumped himself  into Klaus was as steady as ever.

With Klaus’ hands trapped behind him, he had no choice but to bow to Naveen’s whims. “Naveen– Naveen, fuck! Ah, ah, please– don’t stop, I’m so close! Ah!

Naveen’s eyes squeezed shut, so close to sweet release– from the tip  of his tail up to his head he felt a shake, a shiver– his body was  tired, begging for it’s overdue orgasm.

But it was close now– so close— all Naveen had to do was  keep pumping. The slap of Klaus’ ass against his scales was echo-ing  thru the room just like Klaus’ moans, just like the slick sound of lube,  just like Naveen’s own gasps– it was all so intense.

“AH! AAAH!” With a shout and flash of white; both Naveen’s  dicks shook with orgasm– twitching and jolting inside Klaus. Hot cum  sputtering from his dicks, Klaus moaning all the while as he helped milk  Naveen dry.

Naveen’s hand steadied just enough to stroke Klaus properly– gripping  tightly on his dick head and moving smoothly to the base. He felt Klaus  shudder in a familiar way as he could hear the light plips of his  lover’s cum hit the bed– Klaus moaning loudly all the while.

Blurry eyes opened as Naveen released his tight grip on Klaus, seeing  the mark of his scales against pale skin as he did. Both of them  needing time to catch their breath, neither said a word until Klaus  laughed.

“Amazing, Naveen, amazing…” Klaus carefully moved himself to gently  kiss Naveen on the lips. His sweet smell enchanting Naveen instantly as  he fell into a deeper kiss.

Tongues intertwined only for a short time before parting, “I love you…” Klaus said, eyes lidded.

“Oh, how I love you…” Naveen returned. Adjusting his glasses  slightly, feeling the blush crawl to his face as the embarrassment of  the situation hit him.

Naveen watched closely as Klaus slowly lifted himself off Naveen’s  now soft members. Cum spilling ever so slightly from Klaus’ well used  ass. Naveen wasted no time helping Klaus clean up– they would need to  change the sheet as well. All chores to be worried about at a slightly  later time, for sure.

For now, it was time for a bath and sleep. Both of them knew this and  silently rose from Naveen’s bed. Klaus cracked his back and threw on  only the lightest of clothing to make it to the wash room. Naveen did  the same.

The bath escalated into talks of philosophy, talks of writings and  readings, talks of poems– things they often spoke of. Both of them spent  their time washing themselves and each other, relishing in what rare  alone time they had in the manor. No one to see them, no one to possibly  catch them, no danger around any corner. Just each other.

Both of them returned to bed feeling clean and soft, the smell of  soap wafting from each of them. They knew what position to get in–  Naveen’s long tail coiled all around the bed with Klaus snuggled up  close, legs enclosed in that long tail.

Again, talks of readings, writings, of each other, of hopes, of  dreams– of well wishes and romantic things. Certainly, the future held  many obstacles for them; but now was not the time to fret over such  details. Not was simply the time to enjoy each other, and to enjoy what  they had in that moment.





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