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The Battam's on this page are criminally cute. Uh-oh.

And that's all for our pages this week! I put up about 6 new pages into the Secret Blog archive last night, and am going to add 3 more later tonight (most likely).

I've about 19 pages left + book design stuff left before Chapter 1 is ready for print. Since taking an extra day out of my week to work on pages I get about 6-8 done each week (I do a minimum of 3 a day, for 2 days) productivity for the comic has been SUPER HIGH.

It'd be nice to have this kind of scheduale all the time-- though maybe slightly less pages each day just to give myself a bit more time to y'know... eat dinner and have a break, haha.

But! I won't be updating like crazy forever since I will need to go back to 2 days a week working on commissions AT SOME POINT to widdle down my wild queue. (And it's wilder than usual simply cuz I only have 1 day a week to work on commissions!)

Anyways, WOW I really rambled on this page. I guess I just had the desire to let ya'll know what's going on with my life right now. 
I'm busy but it's all good stuff! Very excited about being able to finish up this chapter so early in 2019! I'M DOING IT YA'LL, I'M BUSTING OUT A BILLION COMICS!
Thanks a ton for your support! See you again next week!




You're really spoiling us! And I LOVE it! I hope your Patreon will eventually take off enough that you actually can focus on comics while having ample time to yourself, because they're honestly my favorite part of your work ♡♡♡


Oh gosh-- thank you so much! It's my dream to only work on a select few commissions each month and mostly JUST focus on comics/games-- I'm almost there! The fact I can do so many comics and have so much on the Secret Blog is just proof of how much *YA'LL* are the ones spoiling me! :D SO THANK YOU!!!!


You're right, those Battams are too cute, oh no.