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 Hi all! So, I was considering waiting until I got back from my convention next week to put this milestone into motion (since usually when the month rolls over, I lose a certain amount of Patrons here and there) but this is just such an exciting milestone that I wanted to celebrate!

I'll be putting up an extra Solanaceae page (publicly, and here) today as thanks and I've already uploaded the archive of Solanaceae pages (which is 20+ pages!) to the Secret Blog-- so check that if you have access!

Er, but I'm rambling already! Let me break down what hitting this milestone means.

What's changed:

  • Double updates will be happening both publicly and here on Patreon! Most likely updates will be on Wednesdays and then maybe some random other day-- not sure just yet. But it'll be two pages a week!
  • The Secret Blog now has the full Solanaceae: Prologue Chapter 1 archive as I finish it. And buddy, it's super dramatic right now so go read that and get some juicy drama.

What hasn't changed:

  • Patrons STILL only ever get charged 4 times a month, MAX. So, usually 1 page = one charge, but now 2 pages = one charge. In short; nothing on the payment end has changed for you.
  • Still only one page a week for Secret Blog only comics. Sorry! There's only so many comics I can make right now because I still have to rely on a certain amount of commissions each month to get by. 

What happens if we drop below $750?

  • If we drop below $750 on any week, double updates / full archive updates will stop for that week/month/etc until the number gets back to $750. So, we might be in a little bit of a rocky situation until we climb up and over that amount by a fair bit.

Sorry in advance if that's confusing-- but I fully believe we'll get to a steady place in a month or two; or at least I hope so!

Again, thank you to everyone who has pledged and an extra SPECIAL thank you to the two people who pushed us over the milestone together in one night-- you know who you are! πŸŽ‰
