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Hello again, everyone!

EDIT: I wrote up a huge long post about this before deleting most of it cuz I got long winded like I usually do.

To put it simply, I'm about 2 pages away from finishing the comic pages for "A to Z Vol.2" and once I have the cover and other insides stuff done I can get it ready for pre-orders to hopefully have the books printed for this year's con season.

TO PUT IT BLUNTLY: Would ya'll be upset if I got A to Z printed thru pre-orders early but still shared the comics digitally via the Secret Blog only on a weekly basis? 

Like, I would still be putting up BEACH-Y (which is in the book) 1 page per week, and when the time comes I'd be putting up the fleshlight comic 1 page per week as well. (Both comics would be completed in the book.)

I'll still be updating all of the usual stuff; it's just that anyone who gets the book will see the comics early.

Maybe I can give Patrons a coupon code for pre-ordering the book? That way if anyone here wants to get the book/check out the comics early they can, for cheaper? (And probably with an extra goodie/sketch included?)

Would that be an okay compromise, you think?

Generally just looking for feedback and wanting to make sure I'm not looking like I'm trying to pull anything shady. I just want to get my books printed so they're all ready for SPX in time!

Thanks for your time! Love you all~


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