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Happy 2018 everyone! Er, Happy 2018 ending!

2018  was pretty wild, there were a lot of changes in my life but truthfully I’m ending the year feeling pretty dang grateful. Despite some ups and  downs, I feel there were a lot of ups in not only my art but my personal life as well. I’m feeling pretty pumped up to get to make more work to  share with all of you in 2019!

I didn’t count up all the comic pages I made for the year in total, but– I  can say that I finished quite a few comics and games. I finished,  Tomai: Night Festival, Quickie (Dennis/Booker), Stroke of Luck, and  Panty Glory! That’s not including some comics I made for Patrons-only  too and also some comic commissions, wahoo! Not only that but I printed  the My Master is a Naga: Complete Collection, the Solanaceae: First  Collection and Tomai: Night Festival! And I wanna print more comics in  2019 too! *O*

In terms of games, I didn’t have as much time as I  wanted to work on my own games but I def helped other people work on  theirs via commissions and I was at least able to release Yarrow Valley  which I’m still very proud of. The Tomai DLC was meant to come out in  2018 but, stuff happens! The first update for the Solanaceae game also  came out for Patrons, oh la la~
I’m hoping that since I have more  support via Patreon and thusly just more time in the week to work on  games that I’ll be able to release at least 4 games in 2019. (All of varying sizes.)

And,  of course, I also just worked on a butt ton of commissions this year as  I always do. Even now my queue is super duper full so when I get back  I’m gonna have quite the handful to take care of, lol. But that’s not a  bad thing! I’m super grateful to have all of those commissions and am  pumped up to make ‘em.

I wanted to take this time  to thank all of my wonderful friends, my family, my Patreon supporters,  my fans, my readers, and all of you lurkers out there!

 I couldn’t do  this without all of you! Thank you!

Cheers to 2019! 🥂
