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Since I was hosting the Patreon-only blog on Tumblr: UHHH OOPS, I've got to move that really quickly to somewhere that DOES allow Adult Content so please give me some extra time for blog info. I'm so sorry about the fuss and am so sorry about the delay.
Here's a cross-post from my Tumblr about the situation:

Which means, in affect, this blog will still be up-- but all of the stuff this blog is known for...won’t.

This  is devastating to me. Tumblr is where I got my start and Tumblr was  always my favorite platform. It’s also where I had most of my followers  and now with this change I’m just hoping ya’ll will follow me to where I  have to go.

I’m going to try to clean up this blog, since I’m  desperate to keep this URL-- but who knows what will happen to my poor  blog once Tumblr does it’s wipe. <:S

Here’s a BUNCH of places you can find me:


Itch.io (Mix of SFW and 18+)

SFW Art Tumblr


Weasyl (18+)

Furaffinity (18+)

Twitter (SFW)

NSFW Art Twitter (18+)

My store! (SFW)

Instagram (SFW)

Pixiv (18+)

Pillowfort (18+)

Hentaifoundry (18+)

Smackjeeves (SFW)

I  will be spending most of my day moving my comics to places that allow  them. I’m so sorry for the trouble and am really hoping some of you will  follow me to other platforms.

The amount of followers I have  compared here compared to other places is STAGGERING. Most places I  don’t make over 1k followers, HERE I HAVE OVER 11K.

It’s  where I get most of my commissions from, most of my followers, from,  most of my EVERYTHING FROM-- so having Tumblr make this decision  is...rough to say the least.

There’s less and less places suited  for people to make adult content and this is just. Rough. Tumblr has  always been my favorite platform and I’m just, devastated by this news.

I love you all.



Tumblr's on some serious bullshit, but you can't get rid of me that easily, DCS &lt;3


I'll be here amigo. ^^ *also followed you on all other platforms* Take as much time as you need sorting out the new blog. &lt;3


Adding you anywhere I didn't already!


I don't really have any other social media besides tumblr, but I hope to still be able to follow you! &lt;3


You have here! I'll be posting more of my regular art here for people who don't really have any other alts (tho I do recommend pillowfort.io when it goes back up! it's similar to tumblr)


man tumblr sure knows how to fuck people over... ill definitely be following u on any site i can! if i can remember my login info ill probably even try and revive my pillowfort for u!!